Tuesday, March 13, 2007

There are worse things I could do

Well, to be accurate, there are 'worse things I have done'.

As the dust settles from Friday nights 'antics' [?] I'm left somewhat bemused by the whole situation. Having charged police lines in pink fluffy bra and 6ft tail fan, and being hauled 15ft above the ground by a rope tied to handcuffs from a tunnel (they don't count, as I knew I might get into trouble) I've realised again, that lying on a chair in a club is a really silly thing to get so much hassle for.

So, in this reflective reverie, have decided that perhaps it is a good time to list all the things that could have been worse.

1) Being asked to stop dancing in the Trevi Fountain by the Cabinari; getting out before they pulled their truncheons.

2) Dancing on the table that didn't collapse.

3) Dancing on many tables that did not collapse.

4) Scary plain clothes police in Prague taking a bribe, thus avoiding a trip to police station and missing a flight home.

5) Getting away from a mad Arab man, who locked me up on a boat.

6) My brother changing flights at the last minute, and thus avoiding the Tsunmami.

7) Coming through childbirth after a 'ne na' ambulance trip to hospital, when my son got stuck.

Actually, think it's time to stop there. a) because 7 is a magic number* and, b) because as the list goes on it all kind of comes into perspective. There are worse things I could do, have done, and, there are far worse things that could happen.

*have to attribute that genius way 'out' of a list, to long time mentor and inspiration Lorna Sage. Sadly no longer with us, but her memoir 'Bad Blood' is a wonderful book..


Fi said...

That perspective thing... always helps. And think of all the material this incident is generating!!

Popped by to say thanks for the solidarity and support - very sweet of you, and really does make a difference.

Jacqui said...

Yeah I found your blog, and have now read all the accounts of friday night.
I think the idea of an organised lie-in is great and I'm up for it.
Hope to get down your way and catch up one day over the easter break.
If you up this way give me a shout.

emapple said...

Ok, trying this again now that I've had my password resent to me!

As I tried to say before, found your blog finally and all the other links so though I'd say Hi and say you've all convinced me to give blogging one last go.

By the way, spoke to my sister who's smaller than you and has Cerebral Palsy and she has been turfed out of the same place for the same crime.

Definitely up for the mass lie down!